Some wise words from a dear friend…

Hi everyone!! I’m Rachael Lane & I’ve know Jordan for 15 years. I am so thankful for her, she has the biggest heart, the best laugh, and is so wise. When she asked me to do a segment for her blog, I couldn’t say no. So here I am, bear with me, this is my first time. I wanted to just lay out something that has been on my heart for a very long time, something that you all might be able to relate to and take something away from. I am going to start this off by saying that comparison is the thief of joy. I am sure this is a saying that you have heard before but I am here to remind you that there is truth in it. Comparison is the thief of joy, because we were never meant to compare ourselves to each other. Yet it is something the Enemy likes to throw my way often. Comparison leaves us with questions of “will I ever be as smart as her? As pretty as her? As funny as her?”. These questions can echo in our minds on a constant loop. But we must remind ourselves that we don’t need to be “her” because we are fearfully and wonderfully made in our own way & she is too. Comparison is not only hurtful for us but it is also hurtful for God. God is a unique artist who creates unique pieces. Art would not be beautiful if it all looked the same, would it? That’s why God created us all differently. He created us all differently and uniquely not with the intention that we would compare ourselves to each other but with the intention that we would embrace the work of art that He made us to be. He wanted us to come together & use all of our different gifts and skills to spread the gospel, share the good news, and show Christ love to others. 

I’m going to be vulnerable and share a little story with you in hopes that you will be able to take something away from it. I walked into Target to look at some swimsuits for spring break a couple of years ago, I began picking up the ones that I thought were “cute” and “stylish” and then realized it was time for me to make my towards the fitting room. The fitting room, my enemy, the place that reminds me of all the things I SEE as wrong with my body. The first swimsuit was on and as I turned to look in the mirror, tears welled up in my eyes. Tears, because I did not look the way I wanted to look. “I look awful”, were the words that echoed in my mind. But where did I get this idea of how I should look and how I want to look? This is what stumped me after my target outing was over. This idea of how my body should look is something that constantly plays in my mind, I am always telling myself what I should eat and then when I do not follow through with that I feel guilty and upset because that wasn’t a part of my plan for getting my NEW body. The body I want to have, the body I need to have. Is the picture in my head of how I should look really true though? Do I need to look a certain way to be loved by all and accepted by all? Do I need to have a flat stomach and smooth skin to feel confident in myself? The answer is no, even though I know most of the time it feels like a yes. It feels like a yes because daily, images in magazines or actresses on TV appear perfectly toned and without flaw, so we say to ourselves, “My gosh if only I looked like that. That is true beauty.” True beauty is not all about how you look on the outside, it is the inside that counts the most. ALL of us are created in the image of God, He hand crafted us, like an artist. When we look in the mirror and point out what looks to us like flaws we must remember those are not flaws to God. If you are looking at a piece of art an artist created with that artist standing next to you, would you point out what was wrong with it in your eyes? No, because that would only hurt the artist because to Him it is beautiful. He created it through His eyes and with His very hands. So I challenge you, when you look in the mirror or are scrolling through instagram do not compare & criticize yourself and hurt the artist who made you. Instead say, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I know all of this is easier said than done but I want to encourage if you can’t stop comparing & criticizing for yourself, do it for your Creator, because what breaks your heart breaks His even more. 

Emotions vs. Reality

A few weeks ago I reached a pretty big milestone if I do say so myself,

My 20th birthday.

I honestly never thought it was a big deal until I had a group of 5 year olds put it in perspective for me. I work at a summer camp and so I get to spend a lot of time with the same group of kids. I have never looked my age, but I never would have expected the reaction I got from my camp kids when they found out I was the elderly age of 20. Talk about putting it in perspective for me…. it feels like yesterday I was in their shoes. Where does the time go? My knees pop a lot and my back feels like it could give out at any moment and I am as close to the age of 30 as I am to the age of 10. Wow. Scary.

As I was thinking about what I have accomplished over my 20 years, especially the last few, and I noticed that I let my emotions control most of my days. Our emotions are the rhythms that control our daily pace. I am sure a lot of people can relate when I say that my emotions can have a hard time being consistent when I am faced with a stressful situation, or fall into a state of anxiety. It is in those moments that I find it hardest to find clarity.

“Our emotions are not our reality.”

One of the most toxic things I believe a person can do is not allow themselves to fully feel their emotions. A lot of the time we look for something to fill the void or distract us from whatever we are feeling. Even though our emotions can lead us astray, it is important to feel them and allow ourselves to grow from them. We all have those moments where we want to “cry it out” and in those moments we are allowing ourselves to feel the weight of our emotion. As humans we feel things for a reason, and if our emotions are not confronted head on they can linger, which only hinders growth. However, having said all of that, our emotions are typically not a representation of reality. Once we have faced how we feel head on, we can then look at our storm with a clear vision. Once our emotions are no longer hindering our vision, we can then see our reality.

I hope my next 20 years are filled with a lot of love and time spent with the people who mean the most to me. I hope I can grow from everything my first 20 years taught me, and maybe learn a little more about myself. I could go on and on about everything I have learned, but that is for another time. For now, enjoy a picture of one of the things I love the most, who has made me smile super big over our 11 years together.

Don’t take it personal

During my senior year of high school a phrase I could not wait to leave behind was “high school drama.” I had a very naive expectation that after that long awaited day of graduation, all of the pointless drama and hurtful comments would just magically disappear.

Well..... it doesn't

I believe it all comes down to being okay with who you are as a person. If you are at peace with yourself and seek Gods approval above all, then your soul can be at peace knowing you are enough. Something I have struggled with is worrying a little too much about the opinions of others. I have always been the type of person to stay as far away from drama as I can get… even if this meant not standing up for myself. You should never allow yourself to be walked all over, but standing up for yourself can be done in love and with a peaceful tongue. There is a difference between standing up for yourself, and adding fuel to the fire. There is no gain from disturbing your own peace, to fall into the disharmony of someone else.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent…”

No matter how hard you try, there will always be people who will not like you or do not accept you. You don’t have to understand why, and you may never get closure. Do not take it personal. Instead of racking your brain about it, simply pray for that person. See it as an opportunity to show them grace, and through that they may see a glimpse of Jesus. It may have a greater impact than you think…

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

When you can not control the situation around you, remember you have complete control over how you react. Let us pray for the people in our lives that they may be strong and be lights in the dark. Always remember to be a light to the world and the people you come in contact with…. you have the power to change the world.